
Join our deliberative forum

6 November 2024

North East Water invites you to join the Price Submission Deliberative Forum. This is a unique opportunity to help shape our services and pricing for 2026 and beyond. The deliberative forum will consist of a diverse group of our customers who come together to learn about key issues, share ideas and offer recommendations.

The deliberative forum will be asked to provide recommendations on the following challenge facing North East Water and our customers.

Forum details

We are looking for residents and business owners from across the service region to be part of this important process.

The forum will meet five times to provide input on our future services and prices. You are required to attend all five sessions.

  • Session 1: Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 6pm - 9pm | In person - Wodonga
  • Session 2: Saturday, 1 February 2025, 9am - 5pm | In person - Wodonga
  • Session 3: Saturday, 15 February 2025, 9am - 5pm | Online - via Zoom
  • Session 4: Saturday, 1 March 2025, 9am - 5pm | Online - via Zoom
  • Session 5: Saturday, 15 March 2025, 9am - 5pm | In person - Wodonga

Anyone in your household and/or business over the age of 18 can register to be part of the forum. People selected to be on the deliberative forum will receive an honorarium of $170 per full-day session and $85 for the orientation session (total of $765), payable in mid-March 2025.

Registrations close at 5pm Friday, 13 December 2024.