
Bill simulator - CLOSED

22 October 2024

Your chance to have $200 credited to your water bill!

As we prepare our next price plan, we need your help to shape the services we provide at North East Water. We're asking for your views on what you're willing to pay for, and which services you think we should maintain, reduce, or improve.

To make this easier, we’ve created a simple, interactive bill simulator. This tool allows you to explore different service levels and see how they could affect your water bill. By adjusting scenarios, you can show us what matters most to you and help guide our priorities.

By completing the simulator, you’ll also have a chance to win a $200 credit on your water bill—five lucky customers will be randomly selected!

*The bill simulator is conducted by our contractor, Insync, on behalf of North East Water.

This is just one of the many ways you can share your feedback on our water and sewerage services. Learn more about our Price Submission process.