Project overview

North East Water is planning the construction of a new raw water offtake to ensure the safety and security of Mount Beauty's water supply. A raw water offtake is infrastructure where raw water is taken from a water source (usually a river) and pumped to a nearby water treatment plant before being returned to the community as clean, safe drinking water.

Mount Beauty's existing raw water offtakes were constructed during the 1970s and have now outlived their operational lifespan.

An emergency raw water line has been installed temporarily to supply the town until the new offtake is completed in mid-late 2025.

Current status

The Mount Beauty Community and Key Agency Reference Group was formed in 2022 to help ensure the site of the raw water offtake aligned closely with community expectations.

Over the past two years, the reference group was involved in an extensive independent assessment and analysis of nine proposed sites which determined that Embankment Drive is the most suitable location for the raw water offtake. This decision was based on several key factors including greater water security, reduced bushfire risk, improved operability and constructability, and would be more cost effective for customers.

Throughout the assessment process, the reference group actively participated and provided valuable input and feedback which included concerns over the need for a weir and the visual impact of a pump station.

In response to these concerns, our design consultant has now developed three alternative configurations for a raw water offtake on Embankment Drive. One of the options would see the pump station moved way from the river onto the far side of Embankment Drive, closer to the Pondage. There is no plan for a weir in any of the configurations. The reference group is largely supportive of these alternative options without a weir.

Alternative Design Configurations

What could a Raw Water Offtake look like?

To give you an idea of how a raw water offtake could look on Embankment Drive, we have developed the below visualisations.

Next steps

  • North East Water is engaging with the wider community on the preferred configuration including a survey and an information session held on 6 April 2024.
  • The North East Water Board is scheduled to approve the preferred configuration in April or May 2024.
  • Offtake construction is expected to begin in mid-late 2025.