Project overview

A condition assessment of Goorambat and Devenish water towers found that both are a safety risk. As a result, planning is underway to decommission the towers and to upgrade parts of each town's water supply infrastructure.

In Devenish, where the tower will remain in place, the upgrade involves bypassing the existing water storage tank near the oval and the installation of a new water pipeline and pump station.

In Goorambat, the existing water storage tank will be removed and a new storage tank and pump station constructed.

This work will provide greater reliability and more stable water quality for each town.

What to expect during construction

Construction will take place on North East Water property. Nearby residents may notice:

  • Heavy vehicles – you may see heavy vehicles and construction related vehicles moving to the construction site and on local roads.
  • Noise – you may notice noise from construction activities during certain periods.
  • Dust – you may notice some dust during excavation at the site to lay new pipes.

Get involved

Constructive feedback aids projects decision making.